메인으로 강남본점 부산점 대전점 광주센터 온라인컨설팅
제목 금융권 채용:: [아이엔지은행] 금융시장부 인턴 채용 공고
채용 기간 ~ 마감여부 진행
 금융권 채용:: [아이엔지은행] 금융시장부 인턴 채용 공고

채용구분  인턴

전형유형  수시채용

채용마감일  2018.07.13

채용마감 여부  진행중

회사  아이엔지은행

모집부문  Financial market/Business management


ING WB Asia Internship Programme 2018


“At ING, we’re redefining what it means to be a bank and we’re looking for people with the right skills to jump on. If you’re a smart, driven student with global ambitions who wants to make a real difference, our internship might be for you.”



  Intern in ING Bank N.V., Seoul Branch


  Financial Markets/Business Management

Internship Period: 3 months, may extend to 6 month (Starting in July)


Please note that the application deadline for this internship is 13 July 2018.

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